Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

No words to regret

Ever tell my self to ask the deep Heart when everything's so heavy
That...as a wife will I then regret for everything i could  not have?

Pernah berpikir menyesali mengapa harus menikah dwhen i haven't gave a great thing for my mother and father yet. Duduk di bangku kuliah dengan bantuan my lovely aunt harusnya membuat saya sadar bahwa yang utama adalah membahagiakan dan memberikan jaminan masa depan bagi orang tua.

Bagaimana jika kedua orang tua saya sakit nanti?, bagaimana dengan pendidikan adik saya sementara my father did not have a "good" job to wealthier the family. it's not about my own happyness but they deserve the same from me..

Hari itu saya pernah menangis sedih didalam kamar mengetahui The luck and the faith is not for me, why.?
Ya, that day is a day where i dint find my own name in the list of people as civil servant. Pekerjaan yang diburu beribu-ribu manusia indonesia ini membuat saya merasa tak berguna, tak berpengetahuan ketika mengetahui saya tidak lulus

It's not the job, but it's the worth to solve the problem of my own family
wish that i could pass, then my brother would continue the study
wish that i could pass, then my father and mother will have a ligh future

pikiran itu  kadang-kadang terselip dalam penyesalan. Tetapi Alhamdulilla ternyata apapun yang telah diupayakan, semuanya kembali pada God's decision.. Allah knows the best for you and me, and i have found the answer. Mungkin jika saya dulu lulus, saya akan mengalami keguguran karena lelah bekerja hingga tak ada Fatih tercinta yang sedang kumiliki saat ini.

Tapi bagaimanapun, I always want to have my own'sto help my parent, To give the lie of comfortable bed at night. to serve the chosen best food to consume, to the ligh future of their old age then.....

Being a wife is not the same when a girl or a woman hasn't married yet. Your Husband will take the decision when it's not good, it's bad idea for him.
you are a wife wo is restricted to choose your own way because you have your  own family who is not good for you to go far then from your husband.

you are a mother whom the son needs
surely, you don't want to break the growht of his memories without father or mother around him

but you are a wife who should still love and care for your parents, your family 
it's not about yours but them.

i hope one day, i have the  way..where both of  my family where i came from and my new family where i am building now will have the same happyness withot put back one side between them..

then no word to regret, to say sorry for yourself...karena saat ni adalah yang terbaik dan tak tergantikan....

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